My Legacy


Cool Hanz " Hi ! My name is Hanz, and although I am no longer living in the traditional sense (I graduated from this life in May 2002), my legacy lives on in those that have benefitted from the lessons and experiences that I went through.

In this page you will be introduced to four "friends" that I have never met but are receiving a whole new diet and way of life partly due to the things that were learned from my life. I hope that they are a blessing and inspiration to you." - Hanz, The Truckin' Puppy

Winston Timber Honey

Winston Timber Honey

Winston Timber Honey

Timber The first "friend" I would like to introduce you to is : Timber. Timber is a Golden Retriever, still just a pup, as you can tell, but he is learning to do some entertaining in order to visit nursing homes with mom and help lift up the spirits of it's residents.

If you would like to see the larger photos, then please click on the thumbnail to visit Timber's page.

Honey The next "friend" I would like to introduce you to is : Honey. Honey is a German Shepherd who also enjoys entertaining and those long walks in the out of doors. She also is involved in obedience and command training.

If you would like to see the larger photos, then please click on the thumbnail to visit Honey's page.

Winston And now the talented showman of the arenas and nursing homes alike : Winston ! Winston is a Golden Retriever who enjoys what he does, as you can tell from looking at the attentive look in his eyes. He is ever alert and on the lookout for the next command or challenge to meet.

If you would like to see the larger photos, then please click on the thumbnail to visit Winston's page.

Dancer Dancer is the fourth member of the family. Soon she will ne in the 'biz as well as having pups of her own to carry on her legacy. Hope you enjoy her page.

If you would like to see the larger photos, then please click on the thumbnail to visit Dancer's page.

I hope that you have enjoyed these few photos of friends who have benefitted from me through the lessons passed on by communicating with this website. If you would like to contact Shirley, mom to Dancer, Timber, Honey and Winston, then simply contact LRU directly by using the "Contact" button on the main page and we will forward it on.

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