"Most people...still live under the delusion that the great progress of technological, chemical, medical and pharmacological science is improving the quality of life, extending the life expectancy, eliminating diseases and bringing them nothing but an easier and happier life."(p.40)
Natural Foods are Best
"What are natural foods? Foods grown on fertile soil under natural conditions, and consumed in their natural state are natural foods. Foods grown in depleted soils with the help of chemicals and processed by heat, irradiation or chemical treatment, are not natural foods."
Here are some examples:
"Eggs laid by hens running outdoors in sunlight and eating grass, seeds, insects and worms...and in the company of roosters!...are natural, fertile eggs, with dark yolks and full, nutritional value. But eggs produced by "cooped-up" chickens in an "egg factory", by hens who never see daylight or a rooster and are fed only synthetic medicated mash, are not natural eggs. Such eggs are infertile, they will ot produce chickens, their yolks are pale, their chemical composition is altered, their vitamin content is lower and their total nutritional value is way below that of a natural egg. Among other things, eggs produced by cooped-up chickens contain twice as much saturated fats as the natural eggs do."
"Natural, raw, unpasteurized milk has more vitamins and enzymes; the proteins and minerals of such milk are easily digested and assimilated by the body. Pasteurization reduces the vitamin and enzyme content and makes minerals, fatty acids and proteins less assimilable and digestable"
"Natural fruits, vegetables and grains should grow in healthy, humus-rich soils, without chemical fertilizers or toxic sprays. Natural foods contain more protein, more vitamins, more minerals and other nutrients, particularly the vital enzymes, than the canned or packaged, unnatural or processed foods bought at your supermarket"(p.42)
"Scientists who tried to feed test animals a synthetic diet composed of all the nutritive substances known to science, have found that animals could live in seemingly good health, and even have reproductive capacity. However, from the second and third generation, animals lost their power to reproduce and the whole strain gradually died. Also, their health condition and the growth rate were adversely affected by the synthetic diet. These experiments prove that natural foods contain more than just all the known or discovered nutrients."(p.43)
"Dr. Weston A.Price, Vilhjalmur Steffanson, Dr.McCarrison, Arnold DeVries and many others, who made extensive travels and studies of diet habits and their relation to health and longevity of practically every "primitive" people in the world, have found that when the diet was made of natural, fresh, unprocessed foods, grown in their own environment, the people had no disease or tooth decay....Moreover, regarless of the composition of the diet--whether it was exclusively vegetarian, lacto-vegetarian, predominantly meat or largely dairy-product diet--as long as the foods were natural, unprocesed, and largely eaten raw, the people maintained vibrant health, lived long, and enjoyed youthful vitality."
Whole Foods vs Fragmented Foods
"Whole foods are simply foods which still contain all the nutrients nature has put into them--not less and not more!--complete, unfragmented, unrefined, neither fortified nor enriched. Whole wheat bread, potatoes in jackets, brown rice, sugar cane, oranges--are whole foods. White bread, instant potatoes, polished rice, white sugar and orange juice--are not whole foods. They are fragmented, concentrated or refined foods from which important nutrient factors have been processed out, destroyed, or removed."(p.44)
"The two worst examples of fragmented foods are white sugar and white flour--these two nutritionless monstrosities, disguised under the name of food, are responsible more than anything else for the deterioration of health in civilized countries. During World War II, in European countries, the consumption of white flour and white sugar was sharply reduced due to rationing. The statistics also showed a sharp reduction in the incidence of many degenerative diseases during these years, notably a sharp decrease in diabetes. Note that although the use of refined carbohydrates decreased, the consumption of whole, natural carbohydrates, such as whole grains, actually increased during the war. ...
"Whole wheat, for example, is a good source of vitamin E. But it would take more than 200 slices of white bread to secure a proper daily requirement of this vital vitamin, because most of it has been removed with the wheat germ in processing. The same goes with the B-vitamins, minerals, best proteins and the natural oils of the wheat. If you eat enriched bread, do not think you get these nutrients anyway since they allegedly have been added to the bread. None of the vitamin E, oils, minerals, or proteins have been added; and from more than 15 vitamins of the B-complex that have been removed in processing, only 3 have been returned in insignificant amounts. If this is enrichment, I'd like to know what is impoverishment!" (p. 45)
"Whole foods are an absolute must for optimum health. Whole foods contain not only complete nutrition, but also all the enzymes and other factors necessary for the proper, effective digestion and good assimilation of each particular food." (p. 47)
Whole Foods Save Denmark
"The value of whole, unrefined foods .was dramatically demonstrated on a grand scale during the First World War. Denmark was plagued by a serious food shortage. The government assigned Dr. M. Hindhede, the director of the Danish Institute of Nutrition Research, to design a program for protecting the nation from the hunger threat. The first action of Hindhede was to increase whole- grain production by limiting livestock production and curtailing the sale of meat, thus saving grain for human consumption. Production of alcoholic beverages was banned for the same reason. Also, grain processing was stopped and only whole-grain bread and cereals were allowed to be sold. Farmers were directed and encouraged to produce more grain, green vegetables, fruits, milk and butter, instead of meat."
"These simple, but from a nutritional standpoint revolutionary , changes in eating habits resulted in spectacular and rapid changes in the health condition of the whole nation. The death rate dropped over 40% in one year. Diseases that affected other European countries, including the dreaded influenza epidemic, bypassed Denmark. In only a few years, Denmark became the healthiest nation in all of Europe! " (p. 46)
Sugar Cane vs White Sugar
"In Africa, where natives eat large quantities of sugar cane, there is virtually no diabetes or dental caries. When these natives, however, move to the cities and begin to eat white sugar, they rapidly develop caries, diabetes, ulcers and other diseases of civilization. Dr. John Yudkin, of London University, has conclusively demonstrated that white sugar and white flour products are the major cause ofheart disease." (p. 46)
Cooking Destroys all Enzymes
"Cooking destroys enzymes 100%. Enzymes are vital catalysts, absolutely essential for the proper digestion and assimilation of the food, as well as for all other functions in your body. Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Virtanen, from Finland, has demonstrated that in the process of chewing raw foods, new active substances are formed in the mouth with the help of enzymes. It is estimated that about 600 various enzymes are essential for human health, but all enzymes in foods are destroyed in cooking. In addition, cooking destroys many of the vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins B and C are particularly vulnerable to the effect of heat and cooking. Minerals also are depleted by cooking and are usually thrown away with the cooking water."
"Even moderate heating destroys the nutritional value of foods. Pasteurization of milk destroys some of the vitamins and all of the enzymes. Lewis J. Silvers, M.D., says that at least three factors in milk are destroyed by the process of pasteurization: an anemia-prevention factor, an ulcer-prevention factor, and an arthritis-prevention factor." (p. 48)
Raw Foods are Therapeutic
"The therapeutic value of raw foods is well known. In most European biological clinics raw foods are used in the healing of many common diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, etc. The famous Gerson cure for cancer is based primarily on raw foods and raw juices. In animal tests, arthritis was experimentally caused by feeding animals cooked foods exclusively."
"Raw, living foods contain all the nutritive elements in the right proportion and balance. Contrary to popular notion, most foods in their raw state are easier to digest than the same foods in their cooked state. This is true of all fruits and most vegetables and grains."
"Raw, living foods are equally known for their prophylactic (or disease-preventive) value. Furthermore, raw foods act as a cleansing agent on the digestive and eliminative systems and are the best preventive measure against constipation." (p. 48)
"The aging-preventive and rejuvenative property of raw foods was scientifically demonstrated and explained in European and Japanese research. Raw plant foods increase the micro-electric tension in cell tissue, as was discovered by the Viennese scientists investigating cell permeability .Increased micro-electric tension in the cell tissue improves cell oxygenation, stimulates cell metabolism, increases the cell's resistance to aging, speeds the process of cell renewal-in short. improves the cell's metabolism and prevents biochemical suffocation. Japanese researchers at the University of Kyushu have shown that raw plant foods contain substances that help the body in its fight against disease-producing agents." (p. 49)
Food Industries Sponsor "Scientific" Research
"There is virtually no independent nutrition research in the United States. Almost all research is done and/or sponsored by the commercial food industries involved. The giant, multi-billion dollar food processing, chemical and drug industries finance most of nutrition research in the United States, both in private research centers and in the form of grants to the various universities. F or example, the Nutrition Department of one of our leading universities, Harvard, is lavishly financed by America's largest food processors and chemical and drug companies." (p. 22)
The Protein Myth
"You have been told that "you need lots of protein each day. " This is a typical example of half -truth. It is true that your body needs proteins each day for its vital functions and new-building of cells. But you don't have to eat proteins each day. Your body can exist without any food, and consequently without any proteins, for weeks and months, as evidenced by prolonged therapeutic fasting. It is a general observation that the protein level of the blood ( serum albumin reading) of fasting patients remains constant and normal during the whole fasting period, in spite of the fact that no protein is consumed. The reason for this is that the proteins in your body are in the so-called dynamic state: they are constantly changed from one form to another, being decomposed and resynthesized from blood plasma amino acids. Amino acids from the old and broken-down cells are not wasted, but are re-used for the building of new cells. Thus the body is using and re-using the same proteins again and again where they are needed." (p. 34)
"The actual daily need for protein in human nutrition is far below that which has long been considered necessary ."
"World-famous Swedish nutritionist, Dr. Ragnar Berg, whose works on nutrition are used as text books in many medical schools, made an extensive research on protein and concluded that 30 grams of protein in the daily diet is a generous allowance. Finnish scientist, Dr. V.O. Siven, arrived at the exact same amount--30 grams. American scientist, Dr. R. Chittenden, found, in his extensive experiments with athletes and soldiers, that 30 to 50 grams of protein a day is sufficient for maximum physical performance. ..."
"Dr. D. M. Hegsted. of Harvard University, found ~7 grams a day is the average person's daily need for protein. And research made by Dr. William C. rose has shown that only 20 grams a day of mixed proteins ( of which only about 2/3 are so-called complete) is sufficient for our needs. The recent studies by German Professor, Dr. K. Eimer, showed that athletes' performance improved after they switched from a 100 gram-a-day animal protein diet to a 50 gram-a-day vegetable protein diet. And. finally, recently a Japanese researcher, Dr. Kuratsune, showed that 25-30 grams of protein a day is sufficient to sustain good health." (p. 30)
"Here is a partial list of what too much protein in your diet can cause:
1) Toxic residues in the tissues.
2) Biochemical imbalance in tissues and resultant over-acidity .
3) Accumulation ofuric acid, urea and toxic purines in the tissues.
4) Diminished strength and endurance. Drs. Chittenden and Fisher conclude
that uric acid, urea, and purines of meat poison and interfere with muscle and nerve function.
5) Intestinal putrefaction and resultant constipation and auto-toxemia.
6) Vitamin B6 deficiency.
7) Arteriosclerosis, heart disease and kidney damage.
8) Arthritis." (p. 31)
40% less coronary disease
400% less death rate from respiratory diseases
100% lower mortatlity rate from all causes
1000% lower death rate from lung cancer
50% less dental caries among their children.
[study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association ]" (p. 35)
"Vegetable protein are higher in biological value than animal proteins. For example, proteins in potatoes are biologically superior to proteins in meat, eggs or milk. Raw proteins have higher biological value than cooked proteins. You need only one-half the amount of proteins if you eat raw vegetable proteins instead of cooked animal proteins." (p. 32)